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#shellscripting   #linux   #automation  

Of course i wrote some shell script to automate stuff, lets check them out, shall we?

Running Tests

you can find the script in my bin. download the script and place it in your local bin.

# to add a test case
runtests -a
# paste your input and enter a empty line
# paste your expected output and enter a empty line

You can add multiple test cases this way. then to run you code against it,

runtests <your file>

It currently supports py, cpp and js extensions. In case any of the test case fails, it will print your output and expected output side by side, like this

CASE #1 [ failed ]
3                      2

It handles infinite loops by giving a TLE and incase all the test cases pass, congrats 🥳. and by the way

# to remove all the test cases
runtests -c
# to view test cases
runtests -v

How it works?

let me explain how it works. It creates a directory structure like the following to store test cases,

├── 1
│   ├── input.txt
│   └── output.txt
└── counter

This counter file stores the number of test cases. each test case (denoted by a number) is stored as a directory with 2 files, input (in input.txt) and expected output (in output.txt). code for reading these files is as follows,

# $1 is name of the file to write to 
read_input() {
  rm -f $1
  while read line
    # break if the line is empty
    [ -z "$line" ] && break
    # sed is used to trim spaces
    echo "$line" | sed -e 's/^\s*//g' -e 's/\s*$//g' >> "$1"

To compare files it uses the diff command. to print text side by side pr command is used. like for example for.py extensions

# $1 is code file name
# $2 is base directory
# $3 is test case number
run_py_test_case() {
  green "CASE #$3 "

  cat "$2/input.txt" | timeout 3s python3 "$1" > "$base_loc/out" || error "runtime error"
  if diff "$base_loc/out" "$2/output.txt" -white > /dev/null; then
    green "[ passed ]\n"
    red "[ failed ]\n"
    pr -m -t "$base_loc/out" "$2/output.txt"
    printf "\n"

  rm "$base_loc/out"

Notice the timeout 3s it is used to terminate execution if the script takes more than 3s (in case of infinite loops). In that case, we get a TLE.

script has a similar function for js and cpp files. based on the extension of the code file, any one of these is called.

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My CP Setup